Well, 9 months has passed since my last post... you'd think the drift truck would be done by now wouldn't you? Nope, not even close but thats the nature of a project where new things are being learned as you go, and you factor in family, friends, trips, home, money and other distractions. Things can take a while. Speaking of distractions...some time after my last update I decided I needed a go kart and I had big plans of making it a remote controllable cart so I could give my toddler daughter rides, where she thought she was driving, but in reality I was in control. at the same time i thought it would be cool to buy a cart that would work for dad(me) as well. I ended up finding a sweet deal on an older shifter kart which was a PTK 125cc shifter kart chassis. it also came with a Honda CR 125 motor that was in pieces and needed to be rebuilt. This kart is really a competition shifter kart that had a bunch of magnesium hub parts and had front and rear hydraulic brakes, shift linkage, clutch controls, etc... basically the go-kart I always lusted after. Here is the kart a few days after the purchase. I got the kart and motor for $400. In reality I knew that throwing a 125cc two stroke in there to begin with would be terrifying for my daughter if I stuck to the original RC kart plan... so I opted to shelve the motor for a few years and go after a 4 stroke harbor freight motor for it. I, like many before me, chose the Predator 212cc motor and on during a harbor freight sale i picked up a brand new one for $99. After another $150 in other parts including a clutch set, motor mounts, sprockets, sprocket hub, and chain, I had the motor mounted some small issues fixed and the kart ready to drive.
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February 2018